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Fabulous Animals

dance and design workshop for young people aged 9-14
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If you were an animal what would you be?

Animals are wild, they follow their instincts. They don’t care how they look or what we think of them. They attend to their own needs and the needs of their pack, flock, tribe.


A performance and design workshop for young people aged 9-14 inspired by Joon Dance’s upcoming show Fabulous Animals. 


In these workshops we will explore dance, theatre, drawing, designing and making. Seeking to find our own Fabulous Animal- a combination of creatures that helps us express ourselves and move more fluidly, confidently and instinctively. This is an improvised dance session which means that we work with movement and the imagination to spark creativity and you don’t need to have any previous dance experience to enjoy it. 


By the end of the week you will have created an original dance together and your own costume to wear when we share th work with your family and friends. 


Ages 9-14 

All abilities welcome

11th - 15th April 2023

10-1 daily 

Chapter Arts Centre 



Standard price: £75

Concessions and sibling price: £65 (concessions or two members of the same immediate family)

Family price: £60 (where three or more members of the same immediate family book together)


Book here


Pe byddech chi’n anifail beth fyddech chi?


Mae anifeiliaid yn wyllt, yn dilyn eu greddf. Does dim ots ganddyn nhw am y ffordd maen nhw’n edrych na chwaith beth rydyn ni’n ei feddwl ohonyn nhw. Maen nhw’n edrych ar ôl eu hanghenion eu hunain ac anghenion eu haid, eu praidd, a’u llwyth.

Gweithdy perfformio a dylunio ar gyfer pobl ifanc 9-14 oed, wedi ei  ysbrydoli gan sioe newydd sbon Joon Dance, Fabulous Animals.


Yn y gweithdai byddwn yn darganfod drwy defnyddio dawns, theatr, arlunio, dylunio a gwneud. Ceisio dod o hyd i'n Fabulous Animal ein hunain - cyfuniad o greaduriaid sy'n ein helpu i fynegi ein hunain i symud yn fwy rhwydd, hyderus a greddfol. Sesiwn o ddawns fyrfyfyr yw hon sy’n golygu ein bod ni’n gweithio gyda symud a dychymyg er mwyn tanio creadigrwydd, a does dim rhaid bod gennych chi unrhyw brofiad dawns blaenorol i’w fwynhau.


Erbyn diwedd yr wythnos byddwch wedi creu dawns wreiddiol ar y cyd, a’ch gwisg eich hunain i’w gwisgo pan fyddwn yn rhannu’r gwaith gyda’ch teulu a’ch ffrindiau.

9-14 oed 

Croeso i bob lefel o allu 

11 - 15 Ebrill 2023

10-1 bob dydd 

Canolfan Gelfyddydau Chapter 



Pris sylfaenol: £75 

Pris gostyngol ac i frawd neu chwaer: £65 (gostyngiadau neu i ddau aelod o’r un teulu agos) 

Pris teulu: £60 (lle mae tri aelod neu fwy o’r un teulu agos yn archebu gyda’i gilydd) 


Archebwch yma 



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