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Chapter Summer School

Ysgol Haf Chapter


Running since 2009, our popular annual summer school at Torch Theatre is expanding to Cardiff, hosted by Chapter. We are focused on offering affordable access to high quality creative experiences led by professional dance artists to the community in Cardiff. Working with a different theme each year, and linked to our professional performance projects, this summer school is totally inclusive. We aim to create a supportive and nurturing environment for people of all backgrounds and abilities to come together, create and perform with us. Scroll down for this year's info...


Wedi’i chynnal ers 2009, mae ysgol haf flynyddol boblogaidd Joon Dance yn Theatr y Torch yn ehangu i Gaerdydd, lle y bydd  Chapter yn ei chynnal. Mae Joon Dance yn canolbwyntio ar gynnig cyfle fforddiadwy i fanteisio ar brofiadau creadigol o safon i gymuned Caerdydd, dan arweiniad artistiaid dawns proffesiynol. Gan weithio gyda thema wahanol bob blwyddyn, ac wedi’i chysylltu â’n prosiectau perfformio proffesiynol, mae’r ysgol haf hon yn gwbl gynhwysol. Ein nod ni yw creu amgylchedd cefnogol a meithringar er mwyn i bobl o bob cefndir a gallu ddod ynghyd, creu a pherfformio gyda ni.


Summer School 2024 - OUTside in

This year we will be working with the theme of "Outside-In", bringing the outdoors into our studio. We will be exploring different aspects of nature and turning these explorations into a performance on the last day. 


At Joon Dance we like to say every body is a dancing body! Our Summer School epitomises that - everyone is welcome. We will split into two groups based on age but will ensure everyone gets supported and challenged. Alongside the 4 professional artists who will be leading the classes and workshops, we will also have a support artist to help anyone with access needs and a BSL interpreter with us all week! There'll be contemporary technique classes where you'll learn movement skills and vocabulary, and choreography sessions in which you will create your own movements and ideas to perform in the show alongside the professional artists who will be performing alongside you, our participants.



We accept participants from 11 years and up, and we welcome adults of any age.


Jooniers- ages 11-17

Joon community - ages 18-100



Please email us directly if you have any access needs, or want to chat to us about any aspect of the Summer School you're not sure about. We will do everything we can to accommodate everyone!


Dates and times

Monday August 26th - Friday August 30th

Monday - Thursday: 9.30am - 1pm 

Friday times: Arrive 2pm, stay until show time. Show time approx. 6:30pm


Cost (per participant)

Standard price: £80

Concessions and sibling price: £70 (concessions or two members of the same immediate family)

Family price: £65 (where three or more members of the same immediate family book together)

Family and friends should book their tickets for the show via the Chapter Website.


Ysgol Haf 2024 - Tu Allan y Tu Mewn

Eleni byddwn ni’n gweithio gyda’r thema "Tu Allan y Tu Mewn", gan ddod â’r awyr agored i mewn i’n stiwdio ni. Byddwn ni’n archwilio gwahanol agweddau ar natur gan droi’r archwilio hyn yn berfformiad ar y diwrnod olaf. 


Yn Joon Dance rydyn ni’n hoffi dweud bod gan bawb gorff dawnsiol! Mae ein Hysgol Haf yn ymgorffori hynny - mae croeso i bawb. Byddwn ni’n rhannu’n ddau grŵp yn seiliedig ar oedran, ond byddwn ni’n sicrhau bod pawb yn cael eu cefnogi a’u herio. Ochr yn ochr â’r 4 artist proffesiynol a fydd yn arwain y dosbarthiadau a’r gweithdai, bydd gennym ni hefyd artist cefnogi i helpu unrhyw un ag anghenion mynediad a bydd dehonglydd BSL gyda ni drwy’r wythnos! Bydd dosbarthiadau technegau cyfoes, lle byddwch chi’n dysgu sgiliau symud a geirfa, a sesiynau coreograffi lle byddwch chi’n creu eich symudiadau a’ch syniadau eich hun i’w perfformio yn y sioe ochr yn ochr â’r artistiaid proffesiynol a fydd yn perfformio ochr yn ochr â chi, ein cyfranogwyr.




Rydyn ni’n derbyn cyfranogwyr o 11 oed ac i fyny, ac rydyn ni’n croesawu oedolion o bob oed.


Jooniers - 11-17 oed

Cymuned Joon - 18-100 oed



Anfonwch e-bost aton ni yn uniongyrchol os oes gennych chi unrhyw anghenion mynediad neu os hoffech chi siarad â ni am unrhyw agwedd ar yr Ysgol Haf nad ydych yn siŵr amdani. Byddwn ni’n gwneud popeth o fewn ein gallu i ddarparu ar gyfer pawb!


Dyddiadau ac amseroedd


Dydd Llun 26 Awst - Dydd Gwener 30 Awst 

Dydd Llun - Dydd Iau: 9.30am - 1pm

Dydd Gwener: Cyrraedd 2pm, aros tan amser y sioe. Amser y sioe tua 6:30pm


Cost (fesul cyfranogwr)


Pris safonol: £80

Consesiynau a phrisiau brodyr a chwiorydd: £70 (consesiynau neu ddau aelod o’r un teulu agos)

Pris teulu: £65 (lle mae tri neu fwy o aelodau o’r un teulu agos yn archebu lle gyda’i gilydd)

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